Sunday 8 January 2017

A New Year - A New Lease of Life

This is my first blog post in a while. For several reasons, I have neglected my plot shamefully. In fact (and I want to hide with shame when I say this) I didn’t go to the allotment in months. Deary deary me!

The main reason was that, when I left the job I hated, I was so happy that I wanted to spend as much time as possible with my family. Now, my primary teaching course (which, admittedly, I love) takes up most of my time. I also volunteer for a few things every week so again, I want to spend my free time with my family.

But, as always, the new year brings a new life. I have found that spark in me again – the little fire that warms me when I’m outside working the land. So, with that in mind, I've told myself that I will keep the allotment up. I have been sensible and cut my plot in half. Next year, if I’m still in Caithness, I’m hoping to plant a heritage garden where I grow all varieties and plants that people 100+ years ago grew.

This year, I’m concentrating on making small vegetable beds that I can manage with a busy university course.

The last couple of days I’ve been helping my sister finish some of her nitty gritty research for her MSc dissertation. We finished that yesterday which meant I could go to the allotment today. My tasks were:

·         dig 1 bed (1m x 2m)

·         make the compost bins out of the many pallets that are lying around my plot.

I always learn something new when I’m gardening. I learned, today, that I should have measured out the bed before I started digging. Why? Take a look at the photo. All that energy that went into digging the paths!

I gave myself little targets and, when I reached them, I treated myself to a rest on my rather muddy, dilapidated, spider’s webs-y garden chair. It was a beautiful day and I relished in looking around my plot and listening to the birds next door.

I didn’t manage to get the compost bins finished. I only put up one side of them. I’ve learned, though, that sometimes you must alter your plans for the allotment to remain enjoyable. If I’d pushed myself too hard today, I wouldn’t want to go back for a while, and the plot would get to the stage it was last year.

Oh, and another thing I learned: Always always take a bottle of water with you. I forgot today – and, as I was eyeing up the very old water in the milk bottles, I really regretted it!

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