Wednesday 20 July 2016

Plot H

My Allotment is a mess. Look:

Yes, it's dreadful, isn't it! Some of those dock plants are taller than I am, and they're tough as old nails too.

I went to the allotments yesterday when we were having our allotted 1 day of summer, and I looked...and looked...and then stared...and then looked some more before I actually gathered my wits enough to try and do battle with some of these weeds.

But I have a huge plot. I need a large plot because I have a large family and it's my dream that I can eventually grow most of the vegetables and fruit we'll need through the year. But, at the moment, it's looking like all we'll ever get to eat is dandelion stew.

And what would be the most practical way of getting rid of weeds? Well, that would probably be to use weedkiller. But even if we were allowed to use it (which we're not!) I would have serious concerns given the adverse effects it may have on wildlife. Not to mention whatever it may do to our insides when we eat the vegetables!

So, this blog is mostly about my endless battle with my weed enemies. The hard way. As I'm the chairperson of the local Allotment Association, you must indulge my posts about Allotment Admin too, and how proud I am of the new website I'm setting up.

Coming soon!!

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