Wednesday 27 July 2016

The Stone Saga

I was at the allotment again today. I'm officially hooked! Although it was raining on and off, I really wanted to get a bit more of my flower border dug over. I don't if it was because it was wet, or whether I was just more tired, but it wasn't as easy as it had been the other day. There were certainly more stones!

The rocks are something that I could have done without! There seems to have been a lot of rubbish dumped on the allotment site - I imagine this was when they were building the children's home. I can't think how else they would have got there.

I seem to have got the worst plot for it too which is probably a good thing. I have several handy siblings that I can bully/bribe into helping me move them!

But some of the rocks are just too big to move. There is a pit just outside my polytunnel where we tried to unearth two huge stones together. The picture really doesn't do it justice. The problem is that it is just as deep as it is wide. We tried using a lever system, and digging out all the soil around it, but to no avail. Any advice/help would be very very much appreciated! :) There may even be a free packet of seeds in it for you!

When we finally do get it out, we're thinking it will make a nice seat. Something we can sit on to peruse our hard work! ;)

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